How to Create a T Shirt Design with Procreate®

We’ve created a quick demonstration of how to create a t shirt design for screen printing using the Procreate app for iPad.

There are lots of ways to create artwork with the deceptively simple app interface, but the methods listed below are a good example for creating a straight-forward and effective t shirt design.

T shirt with flower design created in Procreate

Creating a t shirt design from start to finish

General Tips Before Starting:

Here is a really quick rundown of just some of the handy procreate tools and tips:

Managing Your Progress

Undo – Tap the screen with two fingers.
Redo – Tap the screen with three fingers.

It’s important to note that once you close the drawing you are working on, you cannot undo anything. This doesn’t apply to closing the app, but running it in the background on your iPad. It’s a good idea to save stages of the design as PNG files/duplicate procreate files as you go along just in case!

Working with Layers

Work in layers when possible, but not too many layers! The layers tab can be found near the top-right area of the screen (more information on this follows).

If you work on larger files, Procreate will limit the number of layers you can use. This may also vary from device to device (currently Procreate is only available on iOS devices), depending on the system specs.

Setting Up Your Canvas

This is a super important stage, and one that is often overlooked. The image resolution you start your image at, can be the difference between you having a really good print – or a really bad one. Let’s make sure it’s a good one.

Create a New Canvas

First, create your canvas so that it is at the size that you would like the design printed at. Do this by tapping the Plus icon in the top right of the screen and then the New Canvas icon at the very top right (see below).

For our t shirt design, we want to create a canvas at 27cm wide x 35cm high. This is a comfortable work area that fits across most commonly requested garments and sizes. You can find out more about max screen printing areas in our resources.

We also want to set the canvas to 600dpi to get a nice high resolution. Screen printing artwork should be a minimum of 300dpi – but the higher the better!

It’s always a good idea to go bigger than you need, as it allows more room to manoeuvre in case the art does need upscaling later.

How to Set Up New Canvas in Procreate

Create a New Canvas: Select the icon in top right

Settings for Your New Canvas

Canvas Settings Required:

  • At least your required print size
  • And at least 300dpi (600dpi recommended)

Setting the Dimensions and DPI for Procreate Canvas

Make sure yourt dimensions are at least print size and 300dpi (600dpi recommended)

Using settings less than the above from the start, could result in detail loss in your image. Which would mean less detail in your t shirt prints!

Roughly Layout Your Design

Now, create the bare bones of your t shirt design. This is best to do in a different colour from the one you intend to use for your print (to help with tracing). It may also be a good idea to print out a copy of this early iteration of your design onto paper. It can help you get a feel for the size of the design, if you’re not sure yet.

Using Brushes and Other Tools

You can select a colour from the palette tab in the top right hand corner of the screen (the dot).

Brushes are selected from the brush icon a little to the left. For roughing out the design, we like to use one of the pencil brushes.

The rubber/eraser tool is two tabs to the right of the brush tab for when you need it. For this initial draft, it’s not important for the concept to be perfection. Save that for the line work.

As mentioned before, you can tap the screen with two fingers to undo an action (and tap with three fingers to redo).

How to select a colour and brush in Procreate

Top Right Icon to select Colour, Brush Icon for brushes

Changing Layer Opacity

Now that we have the initial sketch, turn the opacity down for this layer to about 50%. This can be done by opening the Layers tab and tapping two fingers on the layer you would like to change the opacity of. Slide one finger left or right to adjust opacity. Tap the highlighted Adjustments icon near the top left of the screen to apply the new opacity settings.

Changing Layer opacity in Procreate Using Slider

Rough Layout Layer at 100% Opacity

Changing Layer opacity in Procreate Using Slider

Rough Layout Layer at 50% Opacity

Once we’re happy with the way the design is looking, it’s time to start putting in the final linework!

Laying Down the Linework

Create a New Layer

Add a new layer by tapping on the New Layer button. This is the Plus icon found in the top-right corner of the drop-down Layers tab. This will be the layer for the linework.

Choosing a Good Brush for Printing

An important thing to bear in mind is how well the brush you choose will lend itself to screen printing.

For example, a very textured brush may complicate your print, as it will require halftoning or additional print colours. A solid, hard edged brush will lend itself better to screen printing. Distressed brushes are also fine if they’re high contrast without midtones.

Different types of brush marks for printing design

Solid brushes (without tonal variation or transparency) are best suited to screen print

Try to avoid having any important lines or negative space that is too thin. Lines or gaps narrower than 0.5mm are in danger of getting lost or filling in.

Tracing line work in Procreate on a new layer

Linework, with the initial sketch underneath

Change to the brush you would like to use for your design. Using your new layer, trace the sketch to create your design.

Once your trace is done, turn off the sketch layer by tapping the Tick icon on that layer.

Traced line work result in Procreate

Looking neat!

If your print is to be a single-colour line drawing design, you’re done and can skip ahead to Exporting Your Design.

If you are looking to add colour and/or text, a few points on these are directly below⬇️.

Adding Colour to Your Design

Duplicate Your Layer

First, it’s recommended to duplicate the layer – this is pretty important incase you end up deciding colour isn’t for you. To do this, open the Layers tab, swipe the trace layer left and tap duplicate.

Procreate Tutorial How to Duplicate a Layer

Swipe the layer left and tap Duplicate

Adding Colour Fills

To fill a colour, first change the top right Colours tab to the colour you would like. As before, do this by tapping the tab (the circle indicating the colour currently selected) and choose the colour you’d like.

Now tap the Colours tab icon to close this colour menu. To fill an area with a colour, tap and drag the Colour icon / dot to the area that you would like filled with the selected colour. Then release your finger to fill the area with colour.

Block colours are your friend in screen printing. Solid punchy designs often use solid colours. Although amazing designs can be done with halftones, it’s best to have an understanding of them first before moving onto that kind of advanced level.

It’s important to be aware of the number of colours you are using for printing. The maximum number of colours we can print at Blackwater Studios are 8 colours (for standard or discharge inks) or 6 colours (for opaque inks). Our example design here will go onto a white t-shirt (so it won’t need an underbase screen) and will be thefore a four-colour print.

How to fill areas with colour in Procreate

Linework after filling with colour

How to Select a Colour in Procreate

Selecting colours, using the colour wheel

Clever Uses of Colour

Try reusing colours throughout the design as much as possible. Not only does using less colours make the print job cheaper, it also creates a more coherent and aesthetically pleasing design!

One common technique is to use the colour of the garment within the design, so that you can reduce the colour count. Try using various garment colours in a layer beneath your design. Then testing if the design still works when you remove ink colours.

Colour Accuracy for Print

If accuracy of colour is essential for printing, you’ll need to pick your own Pantone colours. Hex Codes (e.g. #230457) and other references aren’t sufficient for accuracy and can only be approximately matched.

Now tap the Colours tab icon to close this colour menu. To fill an area with a colour, tap and drag the Colour icon / dot to the area that you would like filled with the selected colour. Then release your finger to fill the area with colour.

How to Select a Colour in Procreate

Selecting colours, using the colour wheel

Block colours are your friend in screen printing. Solid punchy designs often use solid colours. Although amazing designs can be done with halftones, it’s best to have an understanding of them first before moving onto that kind of advanced level.

It’s important to be aware of the number of colours you are using for printing. The maximum number of colours we can print at Blackwater Studios are 8 colours (for standard or discharge inks) or 6 colours (for opaque inks). Our example design here will go onto a white t-shirt (so it won’t need an underbase screen) and will be thefore a four-colour print.

How to fill areas with colour in Procreate

Linework after filling with colour

Clever Uses of Colour

Try reusing colours throughout the design as much as possible. Not only does using less colours make the print job cheaper, it also creates a more coherent and aesthetically pleasing design!

One common technique is to use the colour of the garment so that you can ‘drop’ a print colour. Best way to try this, is by using various garment colour as your design background. Then testing if the design still works when you remove colours.

Colour Accuracy for Print

If accuracy of colour is essential for printing, you’ll need to pick your own Pantone colours. Hex Codes (e.g. #230457) and other references aren’t sufficient for accuracy and can only be approximately matched.

The design is coloured. All done – except we fancy making a few changes last minute, as is tradition.

Adding finishing touches to your design in Procreate

OK, now it’s done. All that’s left now to do is export the design file and send it to us to get your quote!

Exporting Your T Shirt Design

Export Settings

Click the Settings tab near the top left of the screen and choose the Share sub-tab. From there, select ‘PNG’ under Share Image.

From there, select Save Image.

There may be instances where it’s beneficial to save the art as a .psd (a Photoshop file, with layers intact). However, in most instances a high resolution .png file is sufficient. The quality is what’s most important.

Procreate Export Successful Notification
Export Settings for Sending to Screen Printer in Procreate

Linework, with the initial sketch underneath

Procreate Export Successful Notification

Export Successful – nice work! Now you’re ready to send your design to a printer.

Sending Your Design to a Printer

Your artwork is now ready to send to your printer!
Information you’ll also want to have ready includes:

If you’re looking for t shirt printer, feel free to get in touch with us for a no obligation quote!

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